Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dear Friends,

Update 2020: Five years later...

Dear friends,

It saddens me a bit to read the update below since book two -  "Loving Tiffany," is still not ready for publication. I did finish the first draft, but anyone in the writing industry will tell you that the first draft is the first among countless. I have been quite busy these past five years, just not so much with my book.

I am a Senior at Columbia International University, getting my bachelor's degree in psychology. Once I graduate, I will start my three year master's program in clinical counseling. This may surprise you. It certainly surprised me. I never would have thought I could ever do such a thing as succeed at university, but the Lord has been so gracious to carry me through every semester. He called me to counseling when I was in high school, but life happened and for some of us it takes years to find our way.

I have also been tremendously busy with my boys. Since my Freshman year in 2015: 1) My oldest graduated with his associates in electrical engineering and works as a technician for Michelin. He is getting married to a sweet girl who is a NICU nurse this Fall; 2) I stood by my second as he traversed the very difficult path to getting his bachelors of fine arts degree and has started his acting/music career. He has been laid of with the COVID-19 lockdown, but has been putting together an album of songs he has written over the years. I look forward to seeing where that goes; 3) My third son graduated from the Governor's School of Arts and Humanities, was accepted into one of the best art schools in the nation, but being cost prohibitive he declined to go and is now in school for web design and software engineering. He will graduate the end of June and plans to eventually start his own video game making company. He is also part of a church planting team in another city following his graduation and has a very serious relationship with a sweet girl who is also part of the church planting team; 4) My youngest is still home with me, homeschooling and exploring his options and interests. He and I are moving into a campus apartment three weeks from me writing this. We are both excited about the change as it has been a long time coming.

As you can see, the past five years have been a continual revolving door of changing seasons in the lives of me and my boys as they have flown the nest one by one and I have helped them navigate through the choices and changes they have faced. In the meantime, I have done some freelance writing and finished Tiffany's first draft, but I have gotten no further. That doesn't mean it's not going to happen. It will, but for right now school and my 14 year old are priority. I do hope to pick back up on writing blog posts more consistently. Time will tell.

Thank you for your patience and continued encouragement concerning your desire to read book 2. It means the world to me!

Linnette Rochelle

2015 Update:

So many of you have been faithful followers of Beth and have kept after me about "when is book two coming out". I hear you and no one wants book two on the shelves and in your hands more than I do. However, this author's life has taken turns she never expected. Part of those changes is my career. Don't worry! I'm not going to stop writing!

But I have decided to go back to school!  O.O 

This Fall, I enrolled in a community college, taking 12 credit hours. I know! What was I thinking?!? Right now, I'm trying to get my "college legs" under me, but I hope to get back to writing Tiffany's story soon. I've been hovering around the 60/65,000 word count for far too long and wish desperately to reach that 80/82,000 word mark so we can get a date on the publishing calendar.

In the meantime I thought we could do something fun.

I'm going to journal snippets of my college days in the form of writing letters to Beth. This way we can all stay connected and experience some college craziness together. Keeping in mind of course that from time to time there will be updates about Tiffany. I hope you'll tag along for the ride!

Yours truly,
~ Linnette

Linnette Rochelle is the author of Life-changing Romance. Her debut novel, "Finding Beth", has been nominated for and won multiple awards and has readers eagerly awaiting her next novel, "Loving Tiffany". Linnette also writes freelance articles from time to time, she's the founder and coordinator of Palmetto Christian Writer's Network (PCWN), and is a member of HACWN and ACFW.

Linnette is also the proud mother of four amazing sons. She enjoys reading, writing, scrapbooking (someday she'll get back to it), playing piano and writing songs. She loves her church, her family, friends, and Jesus. As if she didn't have enough to do in her life, she started her freshman year in college this Fall (2015).


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